Improves quality, cooling the block     Back →  


Advantages working with a cooled wax block

closer to 0°C, according to pathologists 

  1. Perfect quality
  2. The section cut is more flat and even, thanks to the improved cooling. Lesser hardness differentness.
  3. Less scratches especially on skin samples.
  4. Microtome knives last longer.
  5. No loss of biological material as with removing the sample for re-cooling.



A wax block quickly warms up during sectioning
A wax block quickly warms up during sectioning
The micro Cooling Plate, KUNZ CP-10, brings a cold surface to the block
The micro Cooling Plate, KUNZ CP-10, brings a cold surface to the block
The block is now cooled and ready for quality section work
The block is now cooled and ready for quality section work

A low temperature at the wax block surface is critical in order to get good quality sections. If the block is cooled, for example on a cold plate or on ice, it will soon be warmer when it is mounted on the microtome.

The Cooling Plate, KUNZ CP-10/CP-11, quickly deliveres a cool surface to the wax block, resulting in improved quality on the section work.  

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